Back to Basics - core conditioning and posture
I've been thinking all day what to write about and have decided to put pen to paper based on experiences with my clients. Attending strength training sessions is so important for your body and has so many positive benefits including (not limited to): * improved mental health * cardiovascular health - your heart is a muscle and you strengthen it just like any other muscle through exercise * maintaining a healthy body composition * increasing bone density - the more muscle your body has to support, the stronger in turn, your skeleton needs to be to support the muscles * core strength * posture alignment This list is by no means exclusive and it is the last point I'd like to go into a bit further. Our bodies are extremely adaptive and our posture and the way we hold ourselves are influenced by how we live our lives. This is so evident when you start looking at peoples different postures. We all no doubt hold some muscular imbalances through a...